September 2024
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CIPIRIPI – a sweet that never goes out of fashion

There isn’t anything sweeter than campaigning for a brand we ourselves simply love.

Since 2018, Cipiripi is “home again”, i.e. it is 100% owned by the company “Paraćinka” from the city of Paraćin. This brand has been present on the market for decades, but for the last few years it’s been gently slumbering. During that time, its former glory is what kept it going. But then the alarm-clock had been set.

That’s why we decided to get down to business!

Our job was to wake Cipiripi up, get the brand back to consumer awareness and get closer to new generations and trends. We are going to return it to the wide-awake top where it belongs – the prime position in its product category.

Firstly, we proposed a slogan and designed the Key visual.

We organized an ATL and digital campaign and visited skating rinks where absolutely everyone enjoyed our Cipancakes (Cipiripi pancakes). Our former customers returned to us, but we managed to conquer many new hearts as well. Success.

We continued to follow and collect the signals from the surrounding environments.

In order to draw attention to the brand in a saturated market, it is necessary to expand the category.

That’s why we keep on investing in the key product groups, but the primary focus of the campaign is on the development and introduction of new ones.

We carefully analysed market needs, consumer habits, and together with the client, established a strategy for development of our new product – CIPIRIPI DESSERT.

While we were enjoying the sweetest part of the development – choosing just the right taste – we created a brand development and market performance strategy.

Our communication campaign is based on the idea to subtly and in the spirit of the brand build the trust of a target audience that is slightly older than the one we’ve been addressing until now. Teenagers are the new target. We talk to them in the language they know best, search for them on social networks and join their team.

This creative strategy, which included a brand new tone of communication since day one and “trial by fire” of the Cipiripi dessert on the shelves, brought about great reactions within our target audience on social networks! More importantly, customer response in stores was great, which was confirmed by sales reports… The proof is in the pudding, as they say.

The product that is yet to reach its first year of existence in the market has already made strides forward in its portfolio, which affirmed and justified the focus on innovation, as well as the needs and wishes of the customers – and we won’t stop here.

These changes bring our client to the lead position on the market and their result is the motive that drives us forward.


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